The Name Game
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What's in a Name?
In Apolo's case, quite a bit. The 'Ap' in his first name means "to lead". The 'lo' means "away". The 'o' in the center connects the two, so the his name means "to lead away from". His father Yuki, gave his son this name in order to remind him to stay on the right track. So far, it seems the name has done it's job!

It looks like here, Apolo is being led away from the other skaters for a first place finish!
In fact, Apolo himself thinks the name is fitting, as he has been down many paths, but ultimately has ended up on the right one.

Cilhdhood Nickname
When Apolo was a child, he was one of the heavier members on his hockey team. As a result, the other members called him "chunky". Although now he could hardly be considered "chunky", the name is still with him today.

Hey, the soup's good too!
